Andreas Mense

Copyright: CUREM at University of Zurich/Globalization of Real Estate Network

I am a labor/housing/urban economist at the Institute for Employment Research in Nuremberg (IAB). I work at the intersection of local labor and housing markets, with a focus on low-income households, unemployment, and housing affordability. In my current projects, I investigate the effects of housing assistance on labor market outcomes, the role of housing supply for local housing and labor markets, and determinants of local homeownership rates. My personal page on the IAB website is here.

Current projects

The Labor Market Consequences of Living in Social Housing

joint with Wolfgang Dauth and Matthias Wrede

Using a novel data set that combines the Integrated Labor Market Biographies (IEB) of IAB Nürnberg with social housing address data, we investigate how workers‘ wages and employment prospects develop after having been admitted to a social housing unit. We follow workers over up to 16 years after admission and hence can shed light on the long-run consequences for labor market outcomes of living in social housing. Working paper available soon.

The Spatial Stratification of Local Labor Markets

In this project (joint with Sebastian Findeisen, U Konstanz), we study the spatial stratification of local labor markets in several dimensions. It is well understood that some (micro-)locations provide better economic opportunities than others. What is less well understood are the channels that can explain these differences across locations. In the project, we investigate two potential explanations, the quality of firms in a location, and networks at the residential location.